Web design and strategy

There is a need for a coherent strategy in web design. A strategy should be implemented in the time of creating a blueprint for a new site as well as for older websites. This is important as your website defines you. Designs may change, technologies improve, but strategy remains constant. A strategy also brings you, your employees, your vendors and even your customers on the same page.

A design strategy can be divided into six segments:

  • First segment: the objective: You must fix the intention of your site. What is the reason for your site’s existence? It should be simple and direct. Facts must support it. It should be strategic.
  • Second segment: the branding: The second segment can be sub-divided into three constituents. The first constituent is a alongside analysis of problems faced by you and their solutions. The solution in this constituent should not have any redundancies. The second constituent can be found by comparing the business goals with the value proposition that is made for your audience. The visual strategy should be made after the results of the comparison are established. The third constituent is the tag line. It should be an apt and catchy phase. The audience should like it. Some tag lines are so good that they have instant product recall. For example, ‘Just do it’ -the tagline of Nike shoes.
  • Third segment: Target your website’s audience: You already know the type of people who visit your site. Analyze the person who visits the website and also the person who you want to visit your website in the future. Utilize the data extracted from the web analytics tool to see the destination of most visitors. Use the data to also know the object of their search.
  • Fourth segment: The foremost tasks: Why do visitors come to your website? What do they do? Recognize the targets and analyze whether they meet the users’ needs. Typical web content comes in three parts: editorial content, applications and instructions. The content must be in sync with the audience requirements.
  • Fifth segment: Vital factors in success: What are the parameters of the team’s success? If success is not rewarded, then the organization will suffer. Formulate a success roadmap.
  • Sixth segment: Know the limitations of technology: Technology is not a panacea for all problems. You must take into account the extra costs of customizing the code. Understand what is possible-and what is not.

The strategy of web design Sydney should be treated as a living document and the team’s budget and workload should be calculated against it. After you finish the design strategy, you are on the road to success.