It has been quite sometimes that we have elucidated some of the key factors which lead to the development of logo. The earlier blog post was sort of an introductory discussion to logo and its relationship to the brand. It focused more on the role of the logo what it imposes on brand. This discussion continued in the making of logo design process.
The previous post – Logo Design : Do it yourself Part-I introduced some of the preliminary steps which involved the process of ideation and the preliminary sketch of the Logo. This post would continue further and would focus on the typography, Design and the proper use of spaces. We left our last discussion with use of application for the rough sketch of the logo design at step-8. We would be continuing our today’s session from step-9.
Typography: the driving force of the Logo
The subject of Typography has always been critical since Johannes Guttenberg came up with the contraption for printing. The concept is very much important to the subject of logo design, as every contour and curves of the letter, give the logo its unique identity. The following lines would be elaborating on the importance of choosing the right kind of font types.
Step9: Be Wise While Choosing Your Typeface
Through the aforementioned lines you get a brief idea why type faces are important for the creation of the logo. There are two main options for you to choose from, either you can have your own typefaces customised from the scratch or you are at the liberty to use your existing typefaces.
If you are in the mood for customizations, keep in mind not to make it too snazzy and chic, because there is a high possibility that it might wither away with age. It is best t keep it short and simple. A simple typeface can work wonders not only for your own organisation but for your clients as well.
Step 10: …Or Take the Alternative Route and Adapt Yourself to the Existing Typeface
There is no harm in mixing and matching the old and existing ones, when you don’t have the option of customisation. You can manipulate the typefaces the way you want. You can remove, join or contract the parts of the typefaces and get yourself your own logo font.
Step 11: Keep Away from Using Flashy Fonts
These flashy gimmicky websites would seem to be tempting but avoid, I repeat, avoid them at all cost. The snazzy funky design of the fonts can only be seen on the face of the visiting cards of the cheap excuse for an organisation strewn over the face of the earth. That is the only reason why these kinds of fonts are available for free. It is best to use suave, but classy fonts.
Step 12: Play with your fonts to create the ultimate Logo
As it has been mentioned in the earlier points that the use of classy fonts can help in creating impact in the minds of the consumers, you can always play with the fonts to create your own logo. You can always juggle between strength and style, movement as well thinking process of the organisations. You can present the strength of the company or it elegance only by tweaking and tuning between the fonts.
Space: Use It for the Betterment of the Logo
The use of spaces has always been imperative for any kind of logo design. The space in any logo is being used for the integrity of the logo design. So it boils down to …
Step Number 13: Make effective use of the space
Whenever you come up with the artwork of the logo design, the white space has to be judiciously utilised for the well-being of the logo design. If it is a logo design you are doing it for your client, demonstrate to him the way your logo would be utilised with a photographic image for the best use of space. ‘Cause spaces have some meanings too.
Step 14: Make the Best Use of the Negative Space
You can create a masterpiece out of your logo with perfectly implementing the negative space. The negative space is the area which is around and between the subjects. You can utilise the negative content wisely. There are logos which look very ordinary, but a close scrutiny can reveal interesting facts within the logo itself. Take the example from the courier brand FEDEX where E and X have been placed in a way it looks like an arrow. This can be seen in the designs for logo as well. Take the example for the logo of Australia Yoga where the map of Australia is represented between the legs of the yoga practitioner.
The Graphics: The Face of the Logo
The graphic design of the logo also proves to be very important. The colours, the tone and all these elements play a very important role in creation of a good logo. The manipulation of these elements can make the difference between a good logo and a bad one.
Step 15: Give the Perspective of Motion to Your Logo
The sense of movement is important for your logo. Making changes with size, position and rotation of the elements help in building up the motion for your logo. The placement of the logo design can decide on the fact whether your logo design is static or dynamic.
The aspect of motion varies from culture to culture. The motion is deciphered based on the position of the logo design on white space. Normally the logo design which has got its inclination towards the right is forward moving and positioned on the left is regressive.
Step 16: Experiment with the Tone and the Colour
Logo Design is implemented to convey certain meanings. Colours and tones of contrasts should be used to bring out the inner meaning of your logo. You can play with several tones or it can be a single tone, but that single tone would be enough to bring out the meaning. Don’t get yourself restricted to the clichéd designs which are floating around.
Free your mind think of the best option you can come with colours.
Logo Design is a huge subject if we get deeper into it. This blog post could cover only some of it. Look for more on Logo design in the near future at the same place.
Read the rest of the parts here:
- Logo Design: Do it yourself Part-I
- Logo Design: Do it yourself part-III
- Logo Design: Do it yourself Part-IV