With the continuous use of the internet, the websites have become the online face of the business. But there are certain elements of website designing which a web designing professional should avoid while designing a site. This blog post would be elaborating these elements which not only can ruin your website but it can also tarnish your brand reputation. The following lines of the post are dedicated to those elements.
• A Graphics too many
One of the most common mistakes done by professional website designers, who are new to the occupation, is to suffocate the website with too many graphics. When too many photos, charts, statistical graphs populate the sites, it makes it look very unprofessional. No visitors would suffer the strain on the eyes deliberated on the irritating web designs. One bad design is enough of motivation for them to bolt out of the sight to another one.
• The curse of Slow Loading sites
The bane for any websites in the present times is the low speed of loading. Visitors don’t have the patience for the website to load at the pace of a snail. The age calls for speed, every visitors wants everything occurring in a jiffy at the speed of light. It becomes the responsibility of the web designing professional to come up with websites which can have rapid loading speed. With the dial up connections becoming a part of the bygone days, people won’t believe in slow internet connections. All the blame would be coming onto the website designers.
• Kicking Out The Outdated Content
After graphics and designing the biggest hurdle for the professional website designers and the content developer, is to come up with simple and witty content which can engage the audience in an instant. Too much intellectual content coupled with old and backdated news and article is sure let downer for the readers. A continuous updating of the site is of dire necessity where business is online dependant.
• Pop the Pop- Ups
The pop ups continuously filling up the visitors’ screen with adverts are definitely detrimental for your websites. The pop ups acts as restriction for visitors blocking their path to the main content of the site. Too many pop ups can kill popularity with your sites.
If you are willing to learn more about the elements which can ruin your website you can always visit the finest Website Design Sydney based companies for advises.