Contributors to a Successful Website

An expert web designer understands the factors that contribute to a successful website. Be it a plain information centric website or an e-commerce website, design is important; but more so is usability. A website must be easy to use by its target audience. Such websites cannot be churned out overnight by inexperienced web designers. Only experienced professionals can be entrusted to carry out such a task.

For an experienced web designer, he or she will first find out the potential audience of the site. Then the use of the website must be found out. After that, the process of using it must be found out. The activity must involve the designer of the site working intimately with the targeted users throughout the designing process.

A good web designer must make every aspect of the website self-evident. Users are not expected to waste their effort and precious time trying to decipher the digital product. A website can be considered successful if it provides answers automatically to questions like when to start reading the website, links are displayed prominently, buttons are clearly shown, the navigation is self-evident, the location of the user on the site, the nomenclature and the obvious position of a particular button.

It is evident to a web designer that there are a number of rules to create a great website. Among a sea of rules, only five has been distilled down for the benefit of the readers of this article. The first rule is to create a clear visual hierarchy. The contents of a web page must be organized and prioritized by utilizing size, content and prominence relationships.  An important headline must have a bigger font size. Big headlines grab a user’s attention like no other.  Prominence of content can be shown by placing it higher in a page. The most important content should always be positioned at the top of the page. This enables users to read the article without scrolling.